Order Free Home COVID-19 Test Kits
Residential households in the U.S. can order free COVID-19 test.
Each household can order one set of #4 free at-home tests.
Click HERE to order.
Insurance Companies and Group Health Plans Required to Cover Cost of At-Home COVID-19 Tests
Individuals and families with a health plan can now go online, or to a pharmacy or store to purchase an at-home over-the-counter COVID-19 diagnostic test authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at no cost either through reimbursement or free of charge through their insurance. For more information, please click HERE for answers to the frequently asked questions.
Addressing Heart Health Disparities During Black History and American Heart Month
During February, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office on Minority Health (CMS OMH) celebrates American Heart Month and Black History Month. CMS OMH hopes to underline the importance of prevention and care management, especially as it relates to the heart health of African American communities, who are often disproportionately affected by heart conditions and related risk factors.
Reports of Severe Illness Associated with Use of Products Containing Ivermectin to Prevent or Treat COVID-19
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not authorized or approved using ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 in humans and has cautioned about the potential risks of using ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19. To learn more, click HERE to read the CDC’s Health Advisory Report.
Long COVID & Fatiguing Illness Recovery Program
Family Health Centers of San Diego, the ECHO Institute, University of Washington and the University of Colorado have collaborated to provide a CDC-funded monthly webinar-style ECHO learning session to rapidly disseminate Post-Acute Syndrome findings and emerging best practices. This large-scale national monthly ECHO webinar series will offer didactic presentations by subject matter experts, examples of emerging best practices, models of care, and a facilitated Q&A. This program is open to all healthcare professionals, Long COVID and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS) patients with lived experience interested in learning more about the treatment of Long COVID and ME/CFS. Click HERE to register.
Download the Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP) for Schools and Pediatric Diabetes Health Care Providers
Safe at School® from the American Diabetes Association is pleased to offer its updated Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP) for use by schools and pediatric diabetes health care providers nationwide. This new fillable form will allow for a more standardized and efficient completion of student diabetes care orders through expanded options for prescribers to tailor care instructions to the individual student, providing greater clarity for those charged with the care of children with diabetes in school settings. Click HERE to view the plan.
Dentists Say COVID-19 Stress is Affecting our Dental Health
The American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute conducted a poll in October that found dentists reported an increase in stress-related conditions, such as jaw grinding or clenching, chipped teeth, cracked teeth and joint dysfunction. Click HERE for more information.
30 Days of Self-Care with COVID Coach!
Prioritize your well-being and mental health with the COVID Coach Mobile App created by the mobile mental health apps team at the National Center for PTSD. The 30 Days of Self-Care with COVID Coach guidebook will walk you through 30 different suggestions for self-care practices – one for each day of the month! Each practice should be completed using the COVID Coach mobile app. As with most of their resources, this app includes some content and resources specifically for Veterans, but the majority of the information can be used by anyone. Click HERE to learn more.
Tools and Resources for the Health IT and Clinical Community
To support HHS’s ongoing response efforts to the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Office of The National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to share various resources for reporting and tracking COVID-19, as well as general clinical guidance to the health IT community and healthcare providers. Click HERE for more.
Training On-Demand: Achieving Health Equity- a Medicare Learning Network Class

Is your community, practice or organization re-examining their health equity initiatives? This two-hour online course from the CMS Medicare Learning Network presents education on identifying and eliminating health disparities in organizations. Health equity improves the quality of health care for individuals and families in communities. Take the Course online anytime.